Done the draw and winner is: Hazel Cornish.
This draw has been done on 31st March 2020 at 12:00 by an independent third party from a supplied list of all entries and selected randomly and automatically using the software on https://www.random.org/
I would just like to say a huge thank you to all of you have taken part in the raffle for my sculpture of Koala and Cub and donating to a cause that ripped at our hearts at the beginning of this year. Thank you all for your generosity. I am sorry to those who did not win, but hope the knowledge that you have helped WIRES help Australian wildlife will make you all feel like winners.
Since I put my raffle up we have seen our world change beyond recognition with us all struggling to cope with our new way of life because of COVID-19. I hope you and your loved ones are coping and are safe and well. I am sure this boost we have given to the people caring for the animals after the Australian bush fires will be hearten to know that they have not been forgotten amidst this current nightmare. And please if you can continue to support any Charites you can.
Please stay safe and well all of you and thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your support. Suzie